Soal PTS/UTS Bahasa Inggris Dilengkapi Jawaban Kelas 12 Semester Genap, Tersedia Link Download Pdf

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gambar soal PTS bahasa inggris kelas 12 semester 2

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Namun perlu kami tekankan bahwa yang kami bagikan dalam konten ini hanyalah prediksi soal latihan PTS/UTS bahasa inggris Kelas XII SMA/SMK Semester Genap dan bukanlah bocoran soal.

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Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 Semester 2 K13 Terbaru

I. Reading Comprehension

Short Paragraph

Read the following paragraph, then answer the questions!

Paragraph 1

Mr. and Mrs. Jones come home from office at 6:00 every afternoon. Because they were gone all day, their dog Cody was happy to see them. He ran around and around them. He even jumped up and down. Mr. Jones and Cody took a walk together while Mrs. Jones made dinner. They ate a nice meal. Cody even got a special treat. After dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Jones sat down to watch TV. Cody sat down next to them. Mrs. Jones patted Cody and they all looked happy.

1. Why do you think Cody got a special treat?
a. Because he was well-behaved.
b. Because he slept soundly.
c. Because he stole it.
d. Because he finished his homework on time.
e. Because he barked
2. Where were Mr. and Mrs. Jones all day?
a. in the living room d. on vacation
b. at work e. going for a picnic
c. Shopping
3. Why do you think Cody needed a walk right away?
a. Because he needed to shop.
b. Because he needed to fish.
c. Because he needed to hunt.
d. Because he needed to go to the bathroom.
e. Because he needed to get some fresh air.

Paragraph 2

Miss Hines left the room. She was not gone for long. She looked at the board when she came back. It was not the same. Who had erased the lesson? Miss Hines looked at her students. Baylee was reading a book. Damon was putting two pencils up his nose. Tia’s head was on her desk. Jake was drawing a dragon. The others sat very still. No one would tell Miss Hines who had erased the board. She had a plan. “Who wants to go to recess?” she asked. All the kids raised their hands. Tia’s hand had white powder on it. Damon’s hand was dirty. Jake had pencil smudges on the side of his hand. Miss Hines knew which one had erased her board.

4. What a clue told Miss Hines who erased the board?

5. What was on Tia’s hand?
a. Glue d. chalk dust
b. snow flakes e. pencil smudges
c. sugar from donut

II. Multiple Choice

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e!

6. This is the …. Book I have ever read!
a. Good d. better
b. Goodest e. best
c. more good
7. You are driving too….
a. Fast d. fastest
b. fasten e. faster
c. fastly
8. He is …. Photographer.
a. a b. are c. an d. Be e. was
9. If you …. Hard, you will succeed.
a. will try b. Try c. Tried d. had tried e. Trying
10. I hope he…. Come back again.
a. was b. should c. Is d. must e. Will
11. Do you mind…. the door now?
a. to close b. closing c. closed d. Closes e. close
12. Please…. quiet!
a. is b. been c. to be d. Be e. are
13. He said that he…. The city.
a. visits d. is visiting
b. to visit e. visited
c. Visit
14. Don’t make me….
a. laughing d. laughed
b. to laugh e. laughs
c. Laugh
15. She…. help you.
a. had not been able to d. had not be
b. had not able to e. had not been
c. had not could
16. The house…. In 1983.
a. was build b. Built c. builds d. is built e. was built
17. I…. anything like this before.
a. had never ate d. have eaten
b. had never eat e. have never eaten
c. had never eats
18. We…. in your office last year.
a. have worked d. had to work
b. Worked e. working
c. will work
19. My…. car is white.
a. friend d. friend-s
b. friends e. friendses
c. friend’s
20. We saw her…. Lebaran 2004.
a. in b. on c. at d. for e. by
21. …. for the rain, Rob was reading the newspaper.
a. waiting b. waited c. Wait d. Waits e. to wait
22. I…. my sister for two years.
a. have not seen d. had to see
b. See e. seen
c. Saw
23. He…. the test right now.
a. do b. Does c. is doing d. was doing e. to do
24. You…. to the music while I was taking a shower.
a. listen d. listened
b. were listening e. to listen
c. are listening
25. This is Tom’s bicycle. It belongs to….
a. his b. he c. she d. Her e. him
26. He…. me for dinner last week.
a. did not invite d. was inviting
b. doesn’t invite e. to inviting
c. is inviting
27. The girl…. I will meet tonight is my best friend.
a. which b. what c. Whom d. whose e. that
28. I have never seen those….
a. woman d. womans
b. women e. waman’s
c. womens
29. There are not…. apples left.
a. any b. some c. much d. little e. less
30. Which of these sentence is correct?
a. He drinks with his friends often tea.
b. He often drinks tea with his friends.
c. With his friends often he drinks tea.
d. He drinks often tea with his friends.
e. He drinks with his friends tea often.
31. Football is a subject I know very…. of.
a. few b. a few c. Little d. a little e. some
32. …. People can live without any money.
a. few b. a few c. Little d. a little e. small
33. I am glad so many people have passed the test. In fact, there were…. who haven’t.
a. little b. a little c. Few d. a few e. many
34. …. Is the airline you normally fly with?
a. which b. whose c. Why d. whom e. what
35. …. one do you prefer: the white or the blue one?
a. which b. whose c. What d. whom e. why


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